Different kinds of Gifts

Different kinds of gifts

You can directly support hospice care for local people with a Gift in your Will

There are several kinds of Gifts you can leave. Each is special to us and ensures we can provide the very best care and support to those who need us, today and into the future.

To find out more about the different kinds of Gifts you can leave, or how to include St Peter's in your Will, please contact Matt, on 01275 391415 or legacy@stpetershospice.org.

  • A share of your estate ('Residuary Gift')
    After you've provided for your loved ones, you could choose to leave a share, or the full remainder (the residue) of your estate to St Peter's, or other charities close to your heart. This could be from as little as 1%, and means your estate is passed on to the people you care about, as well as supporting Hospice care into the future.
  • A cash or Pecuniary Gift
    This is when you choose to leave a single, precise amount of cash from your estate.
  • A Specific Gift
    This type of Gift is usually property or an individual valuable item, such as an antique or piece of jewellery.
  • A Life interest
    If you wish, you can leave a Gift for use over a specific period - for example, the income from an investment. After that time has passed, the Gift could then be passed on to another recipient or family member.
  • A House Clearance
    St Peter's Hospice offers a bespoke house clearance service. Here, you would identify the specific items or belongings you wish to leave to your loved ones – and then leave the remainder to St Peter's Hospice. Our team of staff and volunteers will sensitively arrange to come and clear your house of remaining furniture and belongings, which we will then sell on in the most effective way possible - the proceeds all going towards local hospice care.

Inheritance Tax

Good financial planning is essential when deciding what to leave to your loved ones. Each individual has a tax-free allowance before Inheritance Tax becomes due, with an extra allowance if the family home is passed directly to their descendants.

All Gifts to charities are deducted from the value of the estate before Inheritance Tax is calculated. A Gift towards a charity like St Peter's could also reduce the rate of Inheritance Tax due on the remainder of the estate.

Find out more about reducing Inheritance Tax through a Gift in your Will.

For more information, please speak to your solicitor or visit the HMRC website.