Our Doctors

Our Doctors are specialists in palliative medicine. They work across the organisation both in the community and the Inpatient Unit, offering advice to help your physical and psychological symptoms with the aim of reducing distress and discomfort, personalising their care to your specific needs.

By working closely with other health professionals as well as family members and carers, our doctors aim to provide patients with the very best care.

Need to speak to our medical team? Call our 24 hour clinical advice line: 0117 915 9430

Important Announcement: Light Up a Life Event on 7 December cancelled

Due to the storm predicted to arrive this weekend and the rare red weather warning issued by The Met Office across Bristol and the South West, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the event.

We know how important this event is for our community and we share your disappointment, but the safety of our patients and supporters is our highest priority.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via community@stpetershospice.org