Hospice Neighbours

Supporting Our Communities

At St Peter's Hospice we believe that ordinary people from the community can play an important role in supporting people at the end of life by adding an extra layer of informal support. Having the help of a friendly and compassionate local person can make a huge difference to your day or that of a loved one who is helping to care for you.

Our Hospice Neighbour scheme brings people with a life limiting illness together with volunteers living nearby who offer simple social and practical support for a few hours each week. This can include:

  • Dropping in for a cup of tea and a chat
  • Helping with shopping or light housework
  • Sitting with someone to allow a family member to go out for a break
  • Collecting prescriptions
  • Trips out to favourite places or social activities
  • Driving or accompanying to an appointment

Hospice Neighbour volunteers are trained by the Hospice, but do not provide clinical or personal care. The service is only available to people receiving St Peter's Hospice care. For more information or to request a visit please call 0117 915 9448. The line is managed from 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours please do leave a message and one of the team will call you back.

Sharing a cup of tea

Important Announcement: Light Up a Life Event on 7 December cancelled

Due to the storm predicted to arrive this weekend and the rare red weather warning issued by The Met Office across Bristol and the South West, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the event.

We know how important this event is for our community and we share your disappointment, but the safety of our patients and supporters is our highest priority.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via community@stpetershospice.org