We would love to receive the following items from you in good, saleable condition:
We would love to receive the following items from you in good, saleable condition:
Clothes: You can donate clothing, shoes and accessories. These can be women's, men's or children's clothes. Find out more about how to donate clothes to us, as well as information about our vintage, boutique and eBay stores.
Children toys: We accept new and used toys including computer/video games, train and car sets, complete jigsaw puzzles, plastic, wood or metal toys, complete board games, creative and craft sets, outdoor toys, action figures to name just a few.
Homewares: We are always looking for good quality home furnishings, kitchenware and decorative accessories such as glasses, tableware, throws and cushions, photo frames, pictures, mirrors, lamps and ornaments.
Vinyl and books: Your local shop would love your preloved fiction and non-fiction books, as well as classic vinyl and CDs.
Furniture: We offer a free furniture collection service within the Bristol area. We can take up to six items in saleable condition, which are then sold at our furniture shops in Clifton, Portishead, Brislington and Horfield.
Higher value items: You may have higher value, rare or collectable items such as watches, jewellery, photography equipment or art that you would like to donate to the Hospice. Please donate these to your local shop who will pass these on to our research team. They will find the best place to sell your item through our eBay site or at auction to maximise income for the Hospice.
We can only accept donations that are good enough quality to be sold on in our shops. The generosity of our supporters is always greatly appreciated, however, when we receive items that are dirty, broken or poor quality, the Hospice has to pay for them to be taken away which is money we would rather spend on patient care.
There are also certain items that cannot be sold due to legal and safety reasons and if they are grossly offensive and/or have discriminatory material. Please take a look at the list below to find out which items we are not able to take.
Furniture and Housewares
Electrical Items
Heating and Cooking
Children's Equipment
Sports and Safety Equipment
Software and Hardware
Wherever you are in Bristol, a St Peter's Hospice shop isn't far away. From Thornbury to Portishead, there will be one close to you. Take a look at our shop finder to find your nearest one.
All our shops accept donations every day that they are open, with the following exceptions:
However, please call ahead if you have a number of bags to donate.
Please don't leave anything outside the shops, as this is classed as fly-tipping and you may be fined. Please also note, our donation station at Avonmouth and our mobile donation stations are now closed.
Our fantastic staff and volunteers process your items to get them on sale as quickly as possible. We barcode any where the donor has signed up to our Gift Aid Scheme, so we can earn an extra 25% on those items (see below).
The price ticket also records how long they have been on sale in a particular shop and whether it's time to rotate them to another shop where they get another chance to sell, for example in one of our clearance shops. Items for our eBay store head to our warehouse in Avonmouth where our ecommerce team is based.
One of our staff members or volunteers will ask you if you're in our Gift Aid scheme when you drop off your items. They'll ask you to fill in a short form to confirm that you agree to this (just the usual personal details) and give you a card to keep in your wallet.
The shop team will attach a label to each bag that you donate with your Gift Aid number that can be scanned on your membership card. If you don't remember your number then no problem – just give them your name and postcode.
Your donations will be marked with a special barcode to match your details to each item and when sold they are linked to your agreement. The person buying it doesn't pay anything different, but St Peter's Hospice will get an extra 25% on top of the purchase price from the government.
The income made from our shops helps fund our services in the Bristol area. These services are provided free of charge to patients and their families.