Education Students

Education Students Privacy Policy

1. What personal and special category data do we collect and process about you?

The data below is what we may collect during the process of enrolling you, teaching you, assessing you and certifying you:

  • Details about yourself including your name, date of birth and gender.
  • Contact details – including address, telephone number and email address.
  • Details of your previous qualifications, employment and educational history.
  • Information about medical or health conditions, including whether or not you have a learning disability or difficulty. 
  • Information about your family or personal circumstances.
  • Employer name and address for Apprentices/other employees/volunteers/placement students for the purposes of risk assessment, insurance, funding.
  • Enrolment attendance, assessment and progress monitoring data.

Other data we collect:

  • Emergency contacts - UK GDPR Article 6d (Vital Interests). For those over age 18 at the start of the course/activity (1st September), the information is optional.
    • However, for candidates who are internal, HR records may be used to access your emergency contact information should this be required.
  • Parent/carer details for those who may be classified as a vulnerable adult at the start of the academic year under UK GDPR Article 6e (Public Task) in order to support our duty to support the education and learning as fully as possible.
  • Use of eLearning, Open Athens and other learning services for utilisation monitoring purposes.

2. How do we collect your personal information?

Most of the information above is collected directly from yourself via an application, enrolment or other St Peter’s Hospice Education Department form. However some information such as previous qualifications, or special needs, may be collected from other organisations such as the Department for Education (DfE), the Local Education Authority, your previous education institution, Awarding Organisations and other education providers.

3. Why do we process your personal information?

  • To provide you with the best possible opportunities to succeed. 
  • Process your application, arrange and provide support at interview, and inform decisions about suitability of course, and to process your enrolment.
  • Set targets and monitor your progress and attendance.
  • Ensure your health, safety and well-being.
  • Register you with the appropriate awarding body, where applicable, and to arrange examinations and certifications.
  • Administer and monitor your use of facilities at the Hospice, including e-learning.
  • Administration of complaints.
  • Enlist participation in feedback surveys.
  • Monitor compliance with Hospice regulations and policies.
  • Hospice reporting/ performance monitoring.
  • Monitor your outcome / progression as a candidate.
  • Contact you for marketing purposes if you have provided consent.
  • Use your image for marketing purposes if you have provided your consent.

4. What are our legal grounds for processing your personal information?

The Education Department has legal grounds for processing your personal information in accordance with the statutory requirements associated with university-level qualifications and other qualifications that require awarding organisation approval (e.g. ILM).

We collect personal data under United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) Article 6c (Legal Obligation), and 6e (Public Task) and the Data Protection Act 2018 in order to meet our legal obligations with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and the Office for Students (OFS). 

5. What are our legal grounds for processing your special category data?

It is deemed reasonable grounds that the Education Department may collect information on its candidates to monitor overall performance in order to improve the quality of provision.

It is also deemed reasonable to comply with any funding agency regulations, government regulations, NHS, CQC, Charity Commission and other regulatory/statutory body.

We collect special category data under United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) Article 9d (legitimate activities with appropriate safeguards) and the Data Protection Act 2018 in order to meet our legal obligations with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and the Office for Students (OFS). 

6. What would happen if we did not collect and process your personal information?

If you do not provide the data required to meet legal and regulatory obligations, including data that is required by awarding organisations, you will not be able to enrol on a course/activity. 

If you do not provide other information requested for example learning difficulty information, we may be unable to provide the standard of service we would like to provide, to help you succeed.

7. What do we do with any personal information that is provided by third parties?

Information that is provided by your employer (if external candidate) or the H.R. department (if internal candidate) will be cross-checked with you at the commencement of any course/activity. 

It is usual practice to have the candidate inform the department directly of any information the Education Department requires, and so third party information that is provided is not expected to be routine.

In rare cases, the DfE/ESFA or other government agency may provide the Education Department with relevant information that may affect an enrolment or commencement of an apprenticeship. 

All third party information will be destroyed/deleted in accordance with the candidate’s wishes or the data privacy notice (whichever is earliest), subject to point 6.

8. Who do we share your personal information with?

Where the Hospice engages non-statutory third parties (e.g. IT suppliers & network managers) to process personal data on its behalf, we require them to do so on the basis of written instructions. The third parties are under a duty of confidentiality and are obliged to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of data.

The organisation shares your data with third parties where there is a legal obligation, including ESFA, Office for Students, Learner Records Service (LRS), Police, Social Services and other education providers.

We will not normally disclose any personal information about you to other external organisations without your consent, unless there is a legal requirement to do so.

Please see the ESFA Data Sharing Agreement if you are an apprentice, or are on a funded course.

LRS Data Sharing Agreement when completing a course that requires a Unique Learner Number (ULN).

UWE students should be aware that they are subject to the UWE Data Protection Policy.

Anonymised information may be shared with the NHS, other local health and care providers and local strategic groups, including multi-agency forums (e.g. Healthier Together BNSSG) and local authorities in order to provide workforce data for analysis. Individual names of postholders and the training they have undertaken is not shared and information is not directly traceable to an individual.

9. How your information is used to improve hospice services:

The Education Department is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses data and protects your privacy.

St Peter’s Hospice Education Department collects and processes your personal data to effectively manage your learning, facilitate, support and deliver your education and training and to meet its statutory obligations.

10. How to contact us:

Please contact us if you have any questions about this privacy notice or the information we hold about you. If you wish to contact us, please send an email to: or write to us at: Data Protection, St Peter’s Hospice, Charlton Road, Brentry, Bristol, BS10 6NL.