IPU Service Description
St Peter's Hospice Inpatient Unit (IPU) offers 10 Consultant-led and 5 Nurse-led beds providing high quality palliative and end of life care for patients with a variety of life limiting illnesses. The Inpatient Unit is unable to provide admission for respite or long-term care.
Consultant-led beds are suitable for:
- Short-term admission (up to several weeks) for the assessment and management of people with symptoms, care and psychosocial needs relating to a life limiting illness, of a complexity and/or intensity that cannot be met in another setting.
- Where more complex care needs are identified at the time of referral, further information, multi-disciplinary discussion or risk assessments may be required to ensure the Hospice is equipped to meet these appropriately.
- Admission is prioritised according to need, rather than time on the waiting list.