Karin Dixon Wilkins

1962 - 2015

Karin approached the end of her life with an insight many of us lack and she knew what the important things were in life. She showed character and vigour right to the end. We want to pay the hospice back for the wonderful care she received.

Karin Dixon Wilkins Currently raised: £10290 Donate


Latest comments

Mr James Dixon

30 Aug 2017

So, I accidentally won a blind auction for a bottle of whisky at work! Cost to be donated to charity of my choice. Where else would I spend the money but here?!!

Offline Donation

22 May 2017

General donations collected by Mark. Amazing work.

Offline Donation (1)

05 Jul 2016

Another phenomenal contribution from Mark, for his Tour de Bristol sponsorship.

Offline Donation (2)

20 May 2016

Yet more Tour de Bristol monies collected via Mark's Virgin money page. Truly unbelievable work! Thank you so much.

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