This page has been set up by Folk Around Fishponds (FAF).
Jonathan was one of the founder members of Folk Around Fishponds in 1999. Over the years he was one of the true regulars, entertaining us with his singing and guitar playing.
Many of the songs Jon sang became FAF favourites, and the recording of his Brother's song, "Alone in London on a Tuesday Night" featured on the FAF CD. He performed as a soloist as well as with others. In addition, Jon was an active member of the FAF committee, always making great contributions. You can read more at http://www.folkaroundfishponds.org.uk/jonathan-davy.html
All donations up to 25/01/21
A donation from Folk Around Fishponds, raised from the door entry money at their Christmas event, December 2017
This donation comes from money raised at a special tribute night for Jonathan at Folk Around Fishponds in 2016.
A collection of very kind donations from Caroline, Angela & Graham, from the last year. A lovely tribute.
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