Hospice Open Gardens


Can I arrive at anytime during 10am - 4pm? Yes, you can arrive when you wish. Only those who have pre-booked a workshop need to arrive at a certain time.

Where can I park? There is limited parking in our car park, so please park on the residential roads, but be mindful of our neighbours. If you need accessible parking there are some spots in the car park. 

I haven't bought a ticket, can I turn up on the day? Please buy a ticket in advance, this helps us ensure there is a limited amount of people throughout the day so we respect our patients. There may be some space on the day, so please call ahead on 0117 915 9400.

When do bookings close? We will close online registration on Thursday 5 September at midnight. Please ensure you have purchased a ticket before this time. If you haven't, please call us on 0117 915 9400  to check to see if there are any tickets available.

Will the event still go ahead if it's raining? Yes, the event will still take place. Please dress appropriately. If there are any adverse or extreme weather conditions, the Hospice will decide whether the event shall take place and you will be informed. 

Can I attend a workshop if I have not pre-booked? There may be some spaces left on the workshops. Please ask the team when you arrive. There will be a charge of £9 if you have already bought an entry ticket. 

Will this event disturb patients? We have given much thought and consideration to our patients and their loved ones. No access is allowed next to their rooms, or on the Inpatient Unit. Volunteers will be in the gardens and signs will be displayed. 

How does the money raised help the Hospice? Your donation will help cover the costs of the event, as well as helping patient care. Without events like these, the Hospice wouldn't be able carry on providing the best possible care to our community. 

Do I have to pre-book the talks? No you do not need to book the talks. You can turn up when they are taking place. 

Can I bring my dog? Whilst dogs are allowed at the Hospice, please only bring your dog if you need to. Please be mindful of others who may not be comfortable with dogs. Please do no leave any litter.

Hospice garden